Wears Valley is going to be the "It" spot this Summer, and you should definitely take advantage of it with a reservation to Cove Mountain's awesome cabin selection.
Why Wears Valley? Because our little community has been on a serious rate of growth for over a year now and there are many adventures you can undertake here. Some of these include:
* Smoky Mountain Jeep Rentals (www.smokymountainjeeprentals.com)
* Groovy Tours (www.smokymountainmotorcycletours.com)
* Friendly Falls (www.friendlyfalls.com)
* GSM Outfitters (www.gsmoutfitters.com)
* Smoky Mountain Alpine Coaster (www.smokymountainalpinecoaster.com)
And many more you can find at www.wearsvalleyadventures.com!
We'll be back in just a little bit to get you up to date on other events going on in nearby Pigeon Forge and on to Gatlinburg for the Summer. You've earned your vacation, now come take it at www.covemountain.com!