immediately shifts to Winterfest, a special event that perfectly captures the energy and magic of the season with one proverbial kick-off.
Or actually two, as Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg both have a couple awesome celebrations set up in early November right next to each other!
On November 9th, Pigeon Forge will be kicking off the Winterfest with a new Veteran's Parade on, you guessed it, Veteran's Boulevard, before taking the festivities to Patriot Park in the center of Pigeon Forge where the Trolley Tour of Lights will begin. The Parade begins at 4:30PM on November 9th for 2011 and all are invited to attend!
And on November 10th, the "big" show is going on at Gatlinburg's Chili Cookoff and Winterfest Kick-off. Ripley's Aquarium becomes the city square for more than a dozen vendors, 30,000+ cups of chili and over 1,000 people are expected to show up for a night of fun, chili and the big "switch" which officially starts the Winterfest Season for Gatlinburg by turning on the million dollar lighting displays throughout the city. This event goes from 5:00PM to 8:00PM.
If that sounds like a blast, it's because it is! You can get to Pigeon Forge's Winterfest Kick-off in about 15-20 minutes from us here at Cove Mountain and Gatlinburg's in about 30-35 minutes and the drive is worth it! And when you're done partying hard, just think of all the luxury and relaxation you'll be coming back to in any of our cabins here at Cove Mountain.
Find the right cabin for you at http://www.covemountain.com/cabin_index.html and enjoy the magic of Winterfest!